Maleo Research
Investigating what we need to know to recover the Critically endangered maleo
AlTo’s maleo research program is aimed at learning essential facts about the maleo’s biology and ecology that must be discovered in order to ensure the maleo’s long-term survival in a human-dominated landscape.
AlTo’s research program began in 2017, and is being carried out in collaboration with Indonesian maleo experts and local people, including former poachers, under a research permit from BRIN (Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency). It includes the following components:
-A Sulawesi-wide survey of all known active maleo nesting grounds (manuscript currently in preparation)
–A systematic assessment of the drivers of maleo nesting ground decline
Read the article:
Marcy Summers, Matthew Geary, Nurlin Djuni, Pandji Kresno, Agustian Laya, Stallin Sawuwu, Adrianus Bowotong, Wiranto Abas, Vivi Megayanti Tan Oga, Ahmad Muh, Nur, Moh. Isfandri, Galen Priest, Philip McGowan, Jonny Tasirin, Nigel Collar, 2023. Degree of egg-taking by humans determines the fate of maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) nesting grounds across Sulawesi . Biodiversity and Conservation 32:899-919, e559.
-Documentation of how a community-based approach to end poaching and protect nesting grounds has recovered maleo populations
Read the article:
–Monitoring of color-banded adult maleos to assess survivorship, fecundity, and other aspects of maleo biology and ecology (in progress)
–Assessment of rates of predation by monitor lizards (Varanus) on maleo eggs and chicks (in progress)